Toro Coast Preserve

Donate to the Toro Coast Preserve by clicking on the CONSERVATION button


The Toro Coast Preserve is a breath-taking place along the Central Coast of California about 40 miles south of Big Sur next to Morro Bay. Our aim is to create a public regional park for passive outdoor recreation perfect for hikers, bikers, birdwatchers and nature-lovers of all kinds.

This is a project in progress to convert about 1,900 acres owned by Chevron into permanent open space. The area has been divided into 3 large parcels that will be acquired in phases.

This project is huge. We estimate the funding goals will take until about 2030, but it will happen sooner if we all put ourselves into the effort.

Watch the Webinar    At the end of March 2021, MBOSA  sponsored a Zoom webinar on the finishing pieces of Phase 1, plus an explanation of the City of Morro Bay's plan to expand its Sphere of Influence into the Panorama Lots that lie above North Morro Bay (currently open space grazing land owned by Chevron, with the lower lot lines at the City boundary). Note:  the Panorama Lots are privately owned parcels that are NOT part of the Toro Coast Preserve project.

You can see this Expert Panel webinar here:  

Toro Coast Preserve and the Panorama Lots.

Strong Progress on the Toro Coast Preserve

The map shows the 3 parcels in colors that correspond to the 3 phases of acquisition. The reddish-tan is Phase 1; Phase 2 is the light green parcel on the southern boundary; Phase 3 is in blue.

This entire area comprises about 1,900 acres of grassland and woodland. It includes the old Chevron Shore Plant where there is a potential campground plus parking. This area could link to a tunnel under highway 1 so owners can walk their dogs safely to Dog Beach, which is now preserved as part of Phase 1. There is a current access road leading from the shore plant to the blufftop and there are other potential access points to develop in the future.

Some Very Good News .... Phase 1 is done.

The locals' favorite, Dog Beach, where dogs and owners run free to mingle, will become part of Morro Bay with the promise to keep the space a leash-free zone. Along Highway 1 on the west side of the highway, there will be an easement for a connector trail between Morro Bay and Cayucos just to the north.

The open space between these towns will NEVER be developed. That's because this Phase includes a 200+ acre parcel which has already been purchased and will not be developed.

The rest of this Phase closed in 2023.

On to Phase 2 Now!

We're setting our sights now on Phase 2. Our lead partner the Land Conservancy of SLO County has already received conditional grants for about $5 million to purchase the parcel with a planned closing date in summer 2024.  What remains is a $500,000 chunk that we need to raise from the community. What this amounts to is that the community (you and me) needs to contribute $1 for every $10 pledged by big conservation organizations.

Can you help make the Toro Coast Preserve a reality?

Please give generously as you can...we need to get this done and move on to Phase 3.

Donate at our Conservation button. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent of the law.

Phase 3 - Next

The Phase 3 light blue area will be the finishing piece that connects the entire Preserve and provides a staging area for many of the ways you can use it. This is where the campground management will be and essential utilities will be installed. Again, our goal is to complete raising funds for this approximately 700 acre parcel by 2030. With your continued help, we might be able to do it sooner!